Monday, March 24, 2014

The Temporary and the Eternal

So I had a thought this morning that was quite comforting.  In 2 Colossians 4:18, I realize that we live in a world where things are temporary, but what happens in eternity is reality and forever.  Eternity never ends, but this world and time will.  I believe that no matter what is going on in the world, life will go on with or without us, so make the best of what we should do.  How we live in this temporary world will have an impact on our eternal destinies.  That was a comforting yet sobering thought.  Time is not something anyone should waste, so it is to be used wisely.  Believers are to do the Lord's work and will be found doing so before heaven and earth will pass away.  Life as we know it will eventually end.

 I believe that Jesus will come quickly and judging from what is going on...pretty soon.  Now soon could be any time.  Soon could be in a few minutes to another 1000 years, but in God's time, 1000 years is like a day.  I believe that we are and should be living on God's time table and not lose heart if He doesn't come back right now.  Let us not be like scoffers to believe that he won't come back and certainly not soon.  Let us also not be like the wicked servant who doesn't live righteously and believes that the Lord is not coming fast enough.  To them, they mistreat others and live as they choose, but not for the Lord.  I believe that the wicked servants are false servants who will not be ready for His return.  I don't always write about this, but I have at one time had thoughts about going to Hell, and still do.  But we are saved by faith and we must live by faith.

I do believe that believers will be rewarded for their faith and their faithfulness.  We all are created by a Higher Power.  We will have to give an account of our lives to said Higher Power.  As I write this, it is all so sobering.  It is a reminder to me to not make any excuses, to be lazy, and to be productive not necessarily for myself, but for the Kingdom.  I believe that God wants us to be anything but neglectful of neither ourselves and Him.  I would like to lose weight and lose weight according to what He wants for instance.  There are also so many questions that I would like to ask the Lord concerning eternity.  Hopefully and I mean this, that in a world where all things are temporary, I will be ready for the eternal.

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