Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Random Musings

I am learning to embrace having obsessive compulsive disorder.  I am feeling better yet I still have disturbing thoughts and images.  Those are quite difficult to embrace.  It will probably take a while before I do so. The topic is the same.

I purchased a new pedometer which I plan to use daily.  I love exercise and I want to lose weight.  I also want to keep it off.  It came via fedex this afternoon and I have to say that I enjoy the accuracy of this product.  It feel so good that I lost a few inches today.  Losing weight helps me to feel better.  I feel more accomplished when I do so.

I am embracing the fact that I have a crush on people.  Yes, I am 39, so I have adult crushes, even on dead people.  Yep, I am mad.  However, it feels good to embrace.  First it was Mickey Rourke, and now Sly Stallone and now even his son Sage.  It will be two years since his passing and while I never knew him, I wish I did.  He was awesome in his first row.  It is sad that I will not be able to see him in other things. Crushes are nothing to laugh  They are just like fantasies except they idealize the other person, even if the feelings will mostly be unrequited.  In most cases, that is how it is with me.

I guess it is a Christmas in July thing.  That is why Hallmark has been airing all of these Christmas movies.  It reminds me to celebrate the fact that My Savior was born.  He may have been born on exactly December 25, but He was born.  He was raised by great parents, for sure.  I wondered sometimes what it would be like for finite, imperfect people to raise a perfect child.  I wonder what happened during Jesus' teenage years and most of His childhood.  How did He deal with bullies?  Did He have a lot of friends?  Was He really popular or did other kids think He was weird?  I wonder how great a student Jesus was.  As if.  I guess it never mattered but those years would have been interesting.  Jesus is Savior and Lord.  Thank You, Lord.

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