Monday, June 17, 2013

Taking care of my health

I definitely need to take better care of myself.  I can get all of the help I want or need, but pro-activity is the key.  I write a lot about being proactive because I can be lazy about things.  I have been struggling with my weight as of late.  I realize that I have been eating too many snacks and not enough large meals. Trying to fix my situation on my own has left me frustrated, overwhelmed, and as a result, I gained two pounds since last week.  I ate too many calories and have not done enough exercise to counter-balance those calories.  Today, I plan to make a change for myself.  I want to continue losing those 70 lbs. 

As I reflect back on my journey, I notice that I didn't always affirm myself.  I was so busy being overwhelmed that I didn't take the time to be thankful.  I needed accountability and that was what I got.  I am thankful for that accountability.  I am thankful that the weight has been lost.  I am thankful for all of the answers and advice that came my way.  Losing 32 lbs. hasn't always been easy, but I am more than willing to put in the hard work it takes to get out of the plateau that I have been in for the past 2-3 months now.

I rather not tell you how much I weigh, the plateau has been within a 10-15 pound range.  I felt that I was losing weight way too slowly.  I felt like giving up, but now I don't.  I felt like just starting over, but now I don't.  I realize that there are times when I have to give myself advice and just do it.

It is so much easier said than done, but with the right mindset it can be done.  It can accomplish things greater than even I can imagine.  As for my weight, health, and overall well-being, so far, so good.

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