Sunday, June 9, 2013

Make a change for me

It is time for me to grow up.  I need to take charge of my life.  I am only at the beginning with this weight loss thing.  I have come to realize that the only reason why things are easier said than done is because I am not trying.  I haven't tried.  I haven't taken even the smallest baby step.

I need to do that.  I need to change my mindset if I want to grow up.  I need to change, period.  Change is good for a person who hates change.  I am a big stick-in-the-mud, but even a stick in the mud can be taken out I'm sure.  It may not be easy, but it can be done.

Losing 34 lbs was not easy, but I have 70 lbs more pounds to go.  I need to do that in order to lose the 70 more pounds.  I feel that growing up is about not just taking action and acting my age, but also keep oneself from being stuck in the same routine.  That has been my problem.  I need discipline.  I have been stuck in the same routine for a long time and it is getting boring.  It is no longer "doing it" for me.

Now how to begin to change?  How do I begin to take charge?  Inventory is what I need to take of myself.  I have to take a deep, long, hard look at myself and make a self discovery.  I guess that is what this is about, making a self discovery.  Everytime I write something down, I finally discover what I need to do.  Maybe I should start right now.

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