Friday, June 7, 2013

Being patient

I am doing well today.  I hope that I will do better next time I say.  I am referring to my weight.  Being overweight certainly has its drawbacks, namely people prejudging you to health issues.  I can't and won't control what others think, but I can control my health.  I have lost 30 lbs and I feel great so far.  I want to lose 70 more pounds but I need help to see the positives instead of focusing on the negatives, like wanting to lose 70 more pounds. 

It is rough for anyone to see the positives, especially if one has a long way to go.  Why is that?  I don't know, but my guess has to do with a lack of patience.  We live in a society where things are quickly downloaded, microwaved, etc.  We live in a society where patience is not a virtue and I admit that patience has never been one of my virtues.  Over time I have learned to be more patient in all things.

I guess that is what being a believer is about, from praying for a need to waiting on a ride to just waiting for hair to grow.  I had to cut my hair because I wasn't patient enough.  It is always better to be patient.  Patience, like honesty,  is the best policy.

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