Thursday, April 18, 2013

Musings, Fantasy, and reality

I wonder if I am too busy blogging or too busy musing.  Allow me to explain.  Musings are about being deep in thought and I have yet to give a deep thought in a while.  I mused about this this afternoon.

I know that I wrote about religion, but was it a muse about religion?  I may have written about music, but really?  I posted a few vids and that is it.  The truth is, music is universal and it soothes the soul.  At least it soothes mine, considering what I go through on a daily basis.

It feels like that I am in deep thought.  I should always be in deep thought.  Hence the word musings in my title.  Maybe musings mean thoughts and that is okay.  I wish I had written the word thoughts instead of musings.  I am in the mood for a lot of introspection.

Tonight I am writing about fantasy vs reality.  I live in a fantasy world because reality can suck.  Reality often sucks.  Yet reality can be a good thing.  It keeps one grounded and it keeps one "sane".   But fantasy keeps one's mind creative whereas reality can keep one depressed at times.  I know what that is like.  It can be hard to muse and be introspective when you live in a fantasy world and try to put fantasy and reality together.  Therefore, reality wins. 

My fantasy world includes what I want things to be.  Reality is boring, harsh, depressing, and more mundane.  That is what I have learned.  I want to be a physically beautful person that men and women are attracted to.  I am not gay or bisexual but I have been having these thoughts lately and they are not obsessive thoughts.  Therefore, they don't bother me.  Obsessive thoughts on the other hand, are a sign of reality.  It represents the self-conscious adult with low self esteem yet is always hopeful.  It is amazing the insight that I get from just being OCD and bipolar.  I only wish that my fantasies would trump my realities sometimes.

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