Thursday, August 29, 2013


Failure is not an option.  I wonder if that is putting too much pressure on myself.  I used to be afraid to fail.  Now I just realize that it only leads to more failure.  I realize that failure is not an option is a great motivator to most people. But for me, it puts greater pressure because despite the fact that motivation is great, so is failure.  The greater the motivation, the greater the chances of failure.  I am just writing stuff now.  I am trying to write a musing about failure, something all of us know about.  In this world all of us will fail because we are all humans.  How we handle failure determines whether we will be a bigger success or an even bigger failure.  Failure is about the choices that we make, not the people that we are.  However, our choices do determine who we really are.  A person's character is who we are in the dark.  Once again, failure is not an option.

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