Friday, May 17, 2013

The fat and thin of it

I just realized this.  I am a part of a forum in which others like myself are trying to lose weight.  I live in a society that does not love people of size as we are so-called.  We are mocked, ridiculed, and called names.  It is as though people who are larger, overweight, obese, or fat don't have feelings.

People often make excuses for bad behavior and this is no different.  Some people stereotype.  Others point out to preference but some point out to health as a reason to judge, mock, and discriminate.  I though that those things were and are still wrong.

I wonder about moral and sexual issues and this is a moral issue, at least in my mind.  There are some people who do equate obesity with a moral issue.  Something is twisted and wrong about this.  One of the messages here in this statement is that obesity equates to a moral failure, which is simply not the case with most people who are larger.

While obesity is not healthy, it is not a crime.  Eating unhealthy foods is a choice made by individuals and so is losing weight for one's health.  It is based ultimately on what the individual chooses to do.  If we were to lose weight for other people or because society thinks it is wrong, then one might as well stay overweight.  I didn't mean to sound cruel as I am overweight myself.  But if one wants to be of a healthier weight, whether or not they are 230 lbs overweight or 25 lbs underweight, then that is their choice.  No one else should have a say so except for them and their healthcare provider.  I never understood why society seems to worry more about someone's weight more so than even the person who has the weight issue.  I may be wrong but I don't wish to say that all people who are fat, obese, or overweight, or even skinny or underweight has a self esteem problem or does not, but it is a shame that people live in a shallow society where fat is equated with anything bad.  The news is most people don't fit the standard of beauty that is acceptable in our society, whether they are young, male, female, old, black, white, thin, or fat.  God created all of us, but it is up to us to take care of ourselves regardless of what we look like or how much we weigh.

I have written about my weight struggles and if I come across as a hypocrite, then I certainly don't mean to.  I just don't understand why it seems okay for people to put down others and discriminate against others because of how they look.  Why is it okay for some people to make fun of and look down on a fat woman because she isn't a size 2?  Most people in the US are not a size 2.  The average woman in the US is not tall or thin.  The truth is there are many reasons why a person gains weight and there is no need for them to explain themselves.  Why do people have to explain why a person gains weight?  Why should it matter?  All overweight people are not ignorant, lazy gluttons.  Nor are overweight people nasty, unattractive, and smell bad. 

Whatever happened to our Christian-founded nation being tolerant of others? 

How ironic that I asked that, huh.

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