Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Endurance and perspective

I hope to continue to run the race that God calls me to run, whatever plan God has for me.  The winner in a track and field race goes to the swift.  He or she has endured grueling training for said race. 

That is what a Christian has to endure.  The Christian walk is more than a walk.  It is a race.  It is a race to the finish.  It is a tough race with all with requires much sacrifice.  Christians will have to die to self daily and could or rather, will lose everything.  We are to love the Lord more so than even our families.  Being a Christian is about being dedicated and also not just about being loving, but being strong and tough.

I have learned a lot even in the past year with toughness.  I didn't think I could fight and fight against the wiles of the enemy.  It has been hard as I have been finding myself overwhelmed at times, many, many times.  It has not been easy.  Being a believer is quite hard.  But being a Christian living a hard life is worth it.

There are believers who suffer even worse persecution than I because I live in a country where there is a Constitution where one of our rights is freedom of religion.  Many countries don't have that right.  Many people in other countries don't believe in "tolerance" of other religions.  That is what is going on.  Many believers are killed daily and others had to worship God in secret.  Some have been beaten, others have been brutalized, and some have even lost their homes and churches.  People in America have little understanding what Christians in other nations have to endure.

I have to remind myself of the endurance they have to endure.  My issues seem petty compared to what they go through.  I feel guilty about being self-involved.  I wish I could understand fully what others go through.  Many people have even greater crosses to bare yet it seems that I have been wrapped up with my own issues.  I hope that by writing this, I am able to put it all into perspective.

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