Thursday, May 16, 2013

Male v female dynamic

I have pretty much identified all of my major thoughts but the one that sticks out is the obsessive thoughts on a certain actor and all that is connected to it.  I hate his ex-wife for what she did to him.  She had the gall to write a book about him and even lie on him.  I cannot stand her.  He was no angel but you can tell he still loves her. 

Those are what my mind says.  Yes, the ex-wife wrote the book about him claiming abuse, but it could be true.  I don't know her and I never will.  It is okay to fantasize I guess but it has gotten to the point where I am even questioning my faith.  I even wonder as a Christian if I am committing idolatry since it is taking time away from God.  Am I worshipping the ex-husband?  Do I know the ex-husband?  Will my fantasies come true?  The answer to all of these questions is no.

Interestingly enough, nearly all of my obsessive thoughts surround the male v female dynamic.  Why are men and women in greater enmity than ever before?  Why do men and women seem to lack respect for themselves and one another?  What has gotten wrong in our US society and the world at large?  Men has been wussified and women are being oppressed.  That could be what is wrong here.  Men are supposed to be moral, strong, and leaders.  Women are supposed to be moral, classy, strong, and self-respecting.  Those traits are or seem to be lacking in both genders.

There are revenge sites, vengeful ex-wives, and murderous spouses everywhere you look.  It is a sad case of enmity and a total lack of respect between the sexes.  Crimes have been committed against women including rape and men are often the silent victims of abuse by their wives. Women and men cheat on one another, lie to one another, use one another, and end up divorced.  The world is a sad place with its sad people and their sad state of affairs.

I feel like with all of that the world is an awful place to live.  We all could use a dose of the truth.  Where does the truth lie?  Do we have our own truth?  Does it lie in all of us?  Or is there a greater Truth?  The Greater Truth isn't too far away as I have discovered.  I realize that because of these obsessive thoughts, I have had the burden of the world on my shoulders.  The Truth is, that there is no need to have to carry the world's burden on my shoulders.  I am in the world, but not of the world.  I have an issue but it doesn't have to defeat me and neither do these thoughts.  I realize that if someone else commits infidelity, I have to realize that they are the ones in the wrong, not I.  I also realize that if someone posts videos and pics of their exes online then they are the ones with the character flaws, not me.  If someone cheats on you, going online dogging him out won't really solve any problems in the long run.  I live in a world where I am a grow up.  Now I have realize that I need to grow up and so does the rest of the world.

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