Saturday, November 8, 2014

Musing about having "nappy" hair...what is wrong with nappy hair

Thursday I wrote a musing about natural hair.  Why call it natural?  Why the "happy to be nappy" mantra?  What is wrong with the word nappy?  Nappy has become a slur for "bad hair" or tightly coiled hair.  I realize that it stems from the division in the black community.  "Good hair" is seen on those who are more "mixed" looking while those who look less "mixed" or rather more "African-looking" people have "bad hair".  It is so sad that that we have this.  What is wrong with a man or woman having tightly coiled hair?  Those are some questions that I wish I could ask others.  What is wrong with having nappy hair?  This issue pretty much fires me up.  Here are some pictures of women with tightly coiled hair:

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