Monday, February 11, 2013

What is wrong with Ecumenism?

Simply put, ecumenism is when Christian denominations come together for the purposes of cooperation amongst the churches. It can also mean different religions coming together for a common goal or goals. On paper, ecumenism is a very good thing. With all of the trouble in the world and all of the anti-Christian rhetoric and persecution in the world, the church should come together.

Ephesians 4:5 states, " One Lord, one faith, one baptism." Aren't all Christians under one God? The problem with that logic is that ecumenism promotes compromise. Not all who say they are Christians really are Christians.
Not all denominations believe in things that go in line with the Lord. For example, some Baptists believe that John the Baptist helped found the Baptist Church. There is no evidence of that in the Bible.

Christians and Buddhists (as well as other religions) are also uniting to find common ground. Not a good idea. "Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers:or what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? "(2 Cor. 6:14) Christians are to fulfill the Great Commission as Jesus has said in Matthew 28. We aren't supposed to join with them. Am I saying that we should look down on or hate other who believe or worship differently? Am I also saying that we shouldn't learn or know about other religions? The answer to those questions are no.

We should respect that others believe and worship differently than we do. We should most of all love those who worship and believe differently. We should understand what their religion is about. There is no way that a Born-Again Christian who is trying to lead a Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, or New Ager to Jesus Christ without first learning what their beliefs are. We should not be ashamed, and those who believe in Jesus should not be ashamed. (Romans 10:11).

We who are true Christian believers sinneth not, because we have conquered sin. Jesus died for the sinners. The sinners are the one who are in need of the Great Physician. There is not one person that has not sinned, except Jesus Christ. Those who have not repented of their sins, are still sinning, no matter if they believe in reincarnation or not. Ecumenism is a dangerous thing for a Christian to follow. There is however, true Christian unity spoken of in God's Word. Christian unity is about true believers fellowshipping and "worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. "(John 4:23)

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