Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Price of Folly

There are many people in this world who are following their own way instead of living for the Lord. Such people are foolish and without wisdom. They are clueless as to what their end is going to be. Folly means making the wrong decisions rashly or without regards to consequences.

Solomon writes about the price of folly in the Book of Proverbs. It is interesting to note that folly is likened to a prostitute or an adulteress who leads her men to doom. She is loud, seductive, and lacks knowledge. She is not only stupid, but is arrogant and attracts those who are also simple for they lack wisdom. In other words, she advantage of those who are not watchful, for she is deceitful and the one being deceived does not realize that her way is the way to Hell for she has taken many down that road.

One who is foolish does not like rebuke nor have consider wisdom when they hear it. They do not think of the consequences of their actions. A wise person would consider his or action and realizes that for every action, there are consequences. They realize that they are not immune to the spiritual and natural laws. They know that one who sows corruption reaps corruption. They know that in scientific terms, there is an equal and opposite reaction to their actions. The end of the wise is good for they have lived life of wisdom. Even their names and memories will be blessings. The wise and righteous will be blessed going out and coming in. Those who engage in folly will come to ruin for their foolishness.

The foolish are known by their actions including their words. A foolish person speaks foolish words and therefore exposes himself or herself as foolish. Those who engage in folly are those who refuse rebuke, to do right, or to walk in integrity. Foolish people are not respected. They are often hated, scorned, or laughed at because of their ignorance. The ultimate end for a foolish person is death. In the Book of Proverbs, it is said that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The fool does not fear God. They live according to the flesh. Their minds are carnal and love the evil that they do. They may know of the consequences but live their lives as if there are none just as long as they don't suffer.

They are selfish, lazy in doing good, and are unrepentant. Those who are unrepentant , the foolish, are those who shall have their part in the Lake of Fire as written in Revelation 20. They are outside of the great city because they were foolish enough to procrasitinate or to outright reject wisdom. All they had to do was repent, and seek God's face. All they had to do is to come to Jesus, the one true Vine, the only Way to God for salvation. He is the only One with the power to forgive sins, to save men. But because of folly, the foolish are amongst the wicked that will be outside the city as it is written in Revelation for they did not seek God. They did not ask for wisdom, which God gives liberally. They did not ask for wisdom for God guides us with His eye. But to a fool, his ways seem right, but the righteous know not to be conformed to this temporal world. Those who are foolish lack humility and when he looks for wisdom, he or she will not find it for their way is wrong. They lack prudence, grace, and are self righteous. They are annoyed easily at offence. They disgrace themselves and bring their own souls to damnation for their foolishness. Don't let this happen to you, for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Verses to Read: 2 Chron 7:14, Psalm 38:5,Psalm 69:4-6,Psalm 85:7-9,Proverbs 6:1-3,Proverbs 7-8, Proverbs 9:13-18, Proverbs 10, Proverbs 11:12, 14, 29, Proverbs 12:8, 15-16, 23, Proverbs 13:1-3, 15-16, 18-21, Proverbs 14:3, 6-9, Proverbs 15:2, Ecclesiastes 7:26, Galatians 5:16-26, Revelation 20-22.

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