Monday, February 25, 2013

Motivating myself

I am self-conscious about my weight.  I felt guilty about gaining so much weight over the years.  I was more than 140 pounds smaller in high school.  Over the years there were times when I felt guilty.  I felt better when I lost weight and I got compliments.  I have PCOS, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and I am clinically obese.  I realize that I can take care of all of these.  I take meds for all of these conditions.  I don’t want to gain any more weight or continue on the path that I am on.  I am lucky and surviving.  But I want to be blessed and thriving.  The only person who can do that for me is me and the only way I can do that is by diet and exercise.  I am fairly active, so why not start.

 I lost 30 pounds or so, so why am I writing about the motivation to lose weight?  I am at a plateau and I want to lose even more.  I am not fully comfortable where I am at and I still have those same health issues.  I am now about to do mundane things like being able to take the stairs without being worn out and taking a shower.   Those things have taught me not to take the most mundane things for granted.  I do not like how I look in pictures sometimes. 

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