Thursday, November 8, 2012

Being thankful to the Lord and living as a believer

I am thankful to God.  For with the Lord, all things are possible for His children.  Being a Christian requires obedience, repentance, salvation, and sacrifice.  There are many believers who have lost their lives so for the gospel. They will be rewarded greatly for sacrificing their lives.  There is no sacrifice other that what Jesus has done for us. 

I cannot understand everything because my mind is limited.  I just think that God is omnipotent and omnipresent.  I am a just a regular average everyday person, yet Jesus died for me and the Father rose Him from the dead.  I believe this with all of my heart.  Those who call on the name of the Lord Jesus and also believe this shall be saved.

I know that others will either agree or disagree with me and that is okay.  I am a flawed human being, but right living, right thinking, and preaching the true gospel is required for a believer.  The things that I enjoyed or did I want to do those things anymore.  Not only has my life changed, but I have changed.

I am thankful to God.  He has blessed me with so much.  Things are not perfect, but I know that God is with me wherever I go.  I have grown much over the years, but because of our sinful human nature, things will not be perfect overnight.   I have a long way to go to understand for we strive for perfection, yet we are new creation in Christ.  This means that I die daily because that will mean that I gain the Lord Jesus Christ.

I wish I was a missionary or someone who has such a great understanding of the gospel.  I admit that I need to read and study the Bible more.  This is something that I am not proud of  and that needs to change.  I am going through a lot of changes in my life, though some of my posts don't always denote that.  I have lost weight yet I have a deep love for cooking cakes and other fattening foods. 

I was a type A personality who ate a lot of food yet not in moderation.  I admit that eating in moderation is difficult for me because I am so used to eating much since I also admit to being a glutton, which is sinful in itself.  I am a diabetic, so being a glutton is incredibly unhealthy for me, especially since I eat, or rather, have eaten a lot of foods that are unhealthy.  Things like that are what I need to work on, and have been working on.  Being a believer doesn't mean that one will automatically be a perfect being without sin, though I wish it were the case, but I will be lying to myself if I believe that.  Yet I thank God daily.

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