Friday, October 24, 2014

I don't think this is normal

I am worried that I will fail.  My worries and fears will come true anyways.  It is not a good thing to have in a personal resume so to speak.  I fear failure, but I fail anyway.  I guess that is why I have difficulty losing weight, aside from the low self-esteem, fear, and pcos.  I have always had an issue with self esteem which contributes to body image which contributes to worry, doubt, fear, and discouragement.  I could use some encouragement right about now.  If I were to answer the important questions, I wouldn't be sure if I were ready or motivated.  I asked if my feelings about this issue was being normal.  I want to overcome this discouragement but I would have given the wrong answer despite evidence to the contrary.  Something is definitely wrong with me and it is sad that I could either be in denial or maybe I am normal after all.

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