Friday, October 26, 2012

Motivation to lose weight

For the past few years, I became more and more self conscious than ever before.  It took this year to realize how stress and self esteem issues have had a negative influence on my life.  I made a list of reasons why I am motivated to lose weight.  Here is my interpretation of why I am motivated to lose weight.

I confess that my weight is over 300 lbs and I am diabetic and have a number of other issues related to my weight.  My motivation involves a hope that I have.  I have on the other hand have done nothing to deal with my issues with self esteem based on what I have written.  The list that I wrote was quite telling.  It is a list of I haves and I woulds.  It might as well be a list of I could or I should or I should not or could not. 

The truth is I have a metabolic condition that has done a number on my overall health and well being.  My goal is to lose more than 100 lbs and I am coming close to that goal everyday.  My self esteem has improved as a result of my weight loss for the simple fact that I have learned a lot about myself.

I have learned to stand on my two feet.  I have realized that weight loss is not only a goal, but an accomplishment.  Slow and low is the key to losing weight.  I have also learned that formulating a plan that I have to overcome my fears, which is a source of stress in my life.  There are many issues that I have to deal with.  I give up too easily and I have become tired and overwhelmed. 

I feel much better about things since I begin to write this blog.  My musings are about my overall thoughts.  I am better able to fit over my clothes, which is now becoming more of a minor thing.  I have learned to not take too much for granted.  Life is too short to be unhealthy, but it is too short to be overwhelmed.  I want to do the right thing, but no one is perfect.  Deep down inside, I was a perfectionist in mind and at heart.

I am more active and I have been busy lately.  I have become much more proactive.  This is the first time that I truly am happy with myself in a long time.  I realize that no one else can do for me what I can do myself.  I am so grateful to God for giving me that revelation.  I have so many lightbulbs going on in my head even now.

There are things that limit me but I have decided to learn to work within my limits so that my goals can be reached.  I learned that only the sky's the limit, because there are endless possibilities.  I have grown up a lot lately.  It took me a while to learn, but I have learned.  All of the knowledge in the world can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be.  I have taken life one day at a time and moment by moment.

I have become wiser because I am wiser.  I have gotten a new appreciation for all things spiritual and secular.  I feel better about myself.  I am not bothered or discouraged.  As a matter of fact, doors have been opened to me that I felt have never been opened before.  All I have to do is come on in.  It really is that simple, but being consistent and putting it in to practice is hard.  It, however, does get easier and I know it will get easier.  What else has helped me is that I have made realistic plans and have set realistic goals.  All I have to do is follow them.

All in all, life has gotten better.

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