Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our children and abortion

Abortion is not a woman's choice. It is murder. Abortion is more than just ending a pregnancy. It is about a woman allowing the murder of their own child to take place. Look at the children in the photos above. Those children have a chance at a life, and at a future. Don't take that away by having an abortion. Those millions of aborted babies in the US and worldwide could have been the very one to discover the cure for AIDS. They could have been the very one to have discovered the cure for diabetes. They could have been the next teachers, doctors, parents, aunt, uncles, policemen, journalists, or lawyers. Those aborted children could have been the ones to have made the ones who would have made the world a better place, if only they had a chance, "for they were " fearfully [and] wonderfully made:". (Psalm 139:14). Don't end their lives. We are horrified at parents who murder their children already in the world. We should be outraged at those who murder their children in abortion clinics. Those children did not ask to be here. They have a right to live. Abortion is not a woman's right to her body. It is a selfish act. Being a parent has absolutely nothing to do with being selfish. Your child is a heritage of God. (Psalm 127:3). That child is a precious gift. That child's life started in your womb, not at birth. God gave that baby a plan. Don't take that away. Give your baby a chance. Whatever the situation, don't punish the baby for a crime that he or she did not commit.

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