Monday, September 23, 2013


I have wondered about the Lord.  Some of the questions seem silly in the grand scheme of things because I should know the answers.  However, the truth is, I don't.  This is true since I am a flawed human being who daily wrestles with her sinful nature. 

I even wondered who created God.  Did God create Himself?  Was there a time when He didn't exists and that there is something greater than even Him?  This is quite silly and even insulting but at times I have questions that don't seem to make sense.  I tend to think outside the box and this is one of those moments.

Most people ask why God allows people to suffer?  Why do the good suffer while the not-so-good prosper?  It is amazing that we have questions that we don't understand and that God has the answers to them, no matter how far we think outside the box or how silly they seem.  I do wonder if there are any dumb questions with God.  But are there such things as dumb questions since He knows what we are going to ask before we ask of Him.

It is amazing that there is an infinite, all-knowing, all-seeing God who knows what we think.  It is an amazing or what should be to some, a scary thing.

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