Monday, December 31, 2012

Whatever happened to chivalry and being respectful?

I do believe that we live in a society where looks, social status, self-satisfaction, and sexuality have become more important than character, faith, love, modesty, and dignity. We have become judgemental, disrespectful, less than respectable, crass, vulgar, and just plain immoral. I was just wondering if you have something to add about it. Maybe I just have opinions about things or the fact that I would like to have a family of my own one day do play a role in it. It could also be that in the past I have tried to avoid the issue of women's infidelity altogether. Not because I think women are more moral, but because I have noticed that many women, espcially between 18-44 have become more crass, vulgar, less gracious, thankful, and humble. I am personally concerned that we have a generation or two in which many women care more about how many men they have, have become less nurturing,less loving, less faithful and dignified, and extremely troubled, unappreciative, and arrogant. Sorry to be so harsh, but that is true. Meanwhile, we have a generation or two of men who are either mysoginist barbarians, ignorants, feminized, suicidal, angry, entitled, dead, or in jail. Maybe I am being harsh or oversimplifying things, but I guess that is why my obsessions center around sex and religion. I have spent time trying to put my troubles and obsessions in perspective and finding some distractions along the way. Over the last few days things have improved. My concerns are not as strong as they once were. I cannot believe all that I have written in that in a way, they help to explain why I have this disorder or at least these obsessions.

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