When I think of prayer, I think of these words:
Prayer changes things.
Prayer changes people.
Let go and let God.
Prayer isn't a magic formula. It is about a deep, loving, honest communication with God. Prayer isn't always easy. Finding the right words can actually be quite difficult. But Jesus taught us about prayer. He knew in situations such as these, that praying is not meant to be so public so that others can see how religious you are. It should be without distractions. This is not against public prayers for America or for our family. However, he made mention of fasting and prayer as a way of appearing religious or to ask amiss.
Here is an interpretation of how Jesus taught us to pray:
Father in Heaven hallowed by your name, you kingdom come, your will be done, on
earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one."--Matthew 6:9-15
"Father, hallowed by your
name, you kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins,
for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into
temptation."--Luke 11:2-9
Matthew and Luke gave accounts of what Jesus
said concerning prayer. In Matthew's account, Jesus teaches that we should pray
like those who are hypocrites because of their show of outward prayer, but
rather pray in secret and he or she shall be rewarded openly. What Jesus meant
was that prayer is not to be taken lightly. It is a serious, deep, spiritual
conversation between a believer and the Lord. In prayer, you are talking about
not just your needs, but your secrets and your fears. God wants us to openly
share with Him and talk to him. We are to reverance, or show respect to, the
Lord in our prayers. The prayers begin with our Father because we are
addressing ourselves to Him, our God, our Heavenly Father.
In Luke's
account after he teaches the disciples how to pray He gives them a parable about
a man who is in need of bread from a friend. Jesus' message is to "Ask, seek,
and knock" For those ask receives, for those who seeks will find, and for those
who knock the door will be opened. He gives this parable to teach them to pray
in faith and never give up. Keep in mind that God will answer prayer, but one
has not because they don't ask according to His will. If we ask anything in His
name, He will do it.-- New Testament verses paraphrased. God is a generous God
who loves us, His Children. He will give good gifts and not evil to His
children.--Luke11:13-14 paraphrased.
The third commandment according to
Exodus 20 states, "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the
Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name." It is apparent that
God takes his name seriously and that he is a Jealous God; He is not to be
mocked. He is to be honored and revered. He will return and He will rule
someday. He is God. He is Lord. Whatever God's will is on earth, the same will
be in Heaven. His promises are sure and true. Daily he will provide for us so
that we won't have to worry about what we need. God can do it. Not only does
God forgive us, he also expect us to forgives others for if "we do not forgive
men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." "For thine is the
kingdom and the power and the glory forever, amen. God is worthy of praise for
He is the Lord, Deliverer, and Savior. Jesus overcame the evil one and one day,
death and the enemy will be destroyed. Praise Him. |
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