Monday, December 7, 2015

How I see Christmas and the holidays, plus these illustrations of Santa

I love these illustrations of Santa Claus.  What is so great is that color does not matter when it comes to the joyous smiles of the faces of children.  I too like kids and I do love Christmas.  It does seem contradictory to what I have written about Christmas for the past few days.  I still have my doubts that Christmas is a Christian holy day.  It isn't as the world celebrates it with the commercialism and the pains that tend to go with buying gifts.  However, every day should be a holy day.  We as believers should observe Jesus' birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection daily.  I guess having said that, I wondered  still how Jesus views Santa Claus and children being joyous because of gifts and Santa.  We as believers could and should use this day for not the commercial and superficial but to share Jesus with others.  That was what I did a few, maybe a couple of, years ago.  I am not so sure if I have accomplished anything such as leading others to the Lord, but I wondered even more what God thought of what I did.  What is more important to the Lord, I wonder?  This is something that requires more prayer from me for there is a lot that I have to be wise about.  It makes no sense to dis Halloween because of it pagan roots but celebrate Easter and Christmas despite their own pagan roots.  In this case, it should be all or nothing, though most of the world will see differently.  That is also something to think about.

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